Experiments in procedural animation, based on behavioral animation system from Craig Reynolds1) implemented in Processing and extended to various other areas such as evolution.
Boids rules :
Additionnal rules :
This work was studied by Agnes Skattman Udd in her Bachelor's Thesis in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Stockolm 2).
Work in progress | |
web applet | boids6_applet.zip |
windows application | boids6_windows.zip |
linux application | boids6_linux.zip |
Evolution system based on genome reproduction and mutations in a complex environnment, physic systems and integrated interface.
On openProcessing.org | |
web applet | boids4_applet.zip |
windows application | boids4_windows.zip |
linux application | boids4_linux.zip |
controlP5 interface, object-oriented and commented.
Additionnal rules :
web applet | boids1_applet.zip |
windows application | boids1_windows.zip |
linux application | boids1_linux.zip |
Basic use of boid's procedures.